SoloAzar is a specialized online newspaper dedicated to the games of chance industry. For more than 15 years, 15,000 suscribers receive every day the main news of the sector through the newsletter in its two versions: SoloAzar Latin America (in Spanish) and SoloAzar International (in English), where you can also find the coverage of the most important events (ICE London, ICE North America, ICE Africa, G2E Las Vegas, SIGMA in Malta, ENADA in Rimini, International Games of Chance Event in Madrid, FADJA in Colombia, CGS in Cancun, SAGSE in Buenos Aires, BgC in Sao Paulo, Juegos Miami, EXPOJOC in Valencia, PGS in Peru
Puente Villa Ballester Oeste 1653, Villa Ballester, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Córdoba 4054 Piso 1,